JOINT APPEAL with Bündnis 90/Die Grünen

This afternoon the Federal Chancellery will be discussing the effectiveness of the emergency programs. We demand: More say and support for solo self-employed and freelancers - #throughthecrisisonlytogether
If action is not taken quickly, something will be irretrievably lost not only economically but also socially and culturally. We must not let it come to that. That is why we are calling on the federal government to finally take the concerns of the self-employed and freelancers seriously and to consult them at the highest level on an equal footing with other business associations when designing and improving aid programs. To de-bureaucratize the existing bridging aid not only in January but immediately and to make it and the emergency aid accessible to more affected people. To finally clear the way for an entrepreneur’s salary. To provide those affected with support for their living expenses and to prevent the threat of poverty in old age.
You can read the whole appeal here:

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