
The isdv is a member of the federal working group of self-employed associations. This coalition of associations makes itself politically strong with one voice for the self-employed in Germany.
The three speakers of the BAGSV are Victoria Ringleb (AGD eV), Andreas Lutz (VGSD eV) and Marcus Pohl (isdv eV)
Click here to go to the federal working group of self-employed associations, of which isdv is an active member.
bagsv Wikipedia

The IGVW eV is the leading association of the events industry.
The main topics are:
- Education
- standardization
- Standards of Quality (SQ)
All associations of the live entertainment industry, the performing arts, the MICE and the music industry are invited to speak together on this platform and to shape the industry for the future.
The isdv eV currently provides the president of the IGVW eV
Information on the work of the IGVW can be found here:
On the IGVW page there is the possibility to register in the IGVW forum and thus read along and comment on the topics.

The event management forum is the alliance of five leading associations in the economic sector:
BDKV (Federal Association of the Concert and Event Industry eV)
EVVC (European Association of Event Centers eV)
ISDV (interest group of independent service providers in the event industry)
LIVEKOMM (Association of Music Venues in Germany eV)
VPLT (The Association for Media and Event Technology eV).
The aim of the alliance is to bundle networks, competencies and resources in order to be even more powerful with this and through a joint appearance in political lobbying. The merger of the main sectors of the event industry expressly does not see itself as an umbrella organization. Each partner continues to directly represent the specific interests of its industry. However, the intersections of the political expectations of the various sectors, such as the cultural, congress and conference organizers, event locations, event service providers and fairground companies as well as manufacturers and dealers of event technology, are large and all sub-sectors are closely interlinked. Therefore, the close ranks of the associations will significantly increase the perception of the economic sector by politicians and the public.
More information at:

CrewCall ist ein gemeinnütziger Förderverein, dessen Ziel die Förderung und Unterstützung des Nachwuchses ist. Der Verein hilft bei der Vorbereitung auf die Zwischen- und Abschlussprüfung sowie auf das Fachgespräch der Azubis in allen Fachsparten.
In Online-Talks auf der Kommunikationsplattform Discord werden regelmäßig Wissen und Erfahrung mit den neuen Kolleginnen und Kollegen geteilt und sie bekommen Hilfen für einen einfacheren Einstieg in die Veranstaltungswelt.
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