Review: federal party conference of Bündnis90/Die Grünen

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The federal party conference of Bündnis90/Die Grünen took place in Bonn from October 14th to 16th, 2022.

The aim was to place the topics of status determination, bogus self-employment, social security and dealing with the self-employed in Germany and to let the flag for the event industry fly at the party congress.

That was successful. State Secretary of the BMWK Mr. Michael Kellner, the federal government's coordinator for maritime economy and Tourism Ms. Claudia Müller, from the Labor and Social Affairs Committee MdB's Ms. Beate Müller-Gemmecke and Dr. Strengmann-Kuhn, from the Economic Committee Mr. Maik Außendorf and the federal chairman of Bündnis90/Greens Mr. Omid Nouripour.

We had very good discussions, were able to arrange appointments and set up new discussion groups. We are now building on this in order to use the legislative period optionally and purposefully.

Many thanks to our party congress team Ute Peters and Marcus Pohl for their commitment to the self-employed.

#isdv #bdk22 #weTogetherNow #bagsv #self-employed #green

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