The IGVW and the Warriors KDM eV are calling for a large rally and day of action for the event industry on April 29th, 2023 in Berlin
The offspring is missing: NOW it is time to get active.
For this reason, the Event Management Interest Group (IGVW) eV, in cooperation with the Warriors Culture for Democracy and Human Rights eV, is initiating a rally on April 29, 2023 in connection with an extensive day of action in Berlin. From 11 a.m. we will present our industry at Alexanderplatz. Who we are, what we can do and how we will create the future of a diverse, resilient and qualified event industry beyond real, felt and to be overcome borders.
Become part of the campaign in Berlin as an employer: Register under, so we can talk about more details.
Take your passion to stage and inspire your talent and prove to all newcomers and career changers, all immigrants and refugees, no matter what age, nationality or gender, that the event industry can be your future.
Because we inspire people, because we work with them and for them, because we are relevant.
#betheshow #showup #nxgen #nextgeneration #meetthecrew #b2904 #isdv #weTogetherNow