"We are sinking - we are sinking." The self-employed in the event industry have been broadcasting for months.
“What are you thinking about?” replies the Economics Minister.
The bridging aid will be extended. It took six months for the decision to be made: three months more help.
The ISDV eV is disappointed with the result of yesterday's cabinet decisions. They don't go far enough and clearly show the economic incomprehension of our government when it's not about manufacturing and industry, when it's not about medium-sized companies or corporations, but about small independent companies whose existence has been threatened by the pandemic for 16 months.
It is not to be expected that events can take place in an economical way until the end of September. Our politicians are aware of the lead times. The close interdependence of many service companies that are necessary for an event, the problem of the emigration of skilled workers and the huge bow wave of ticket vouchers mean that the event industry will only start up again very slowly. The culture special fund goes unnoticed by large parts of the industry because neither the BMWI nor the Chancellery understand that B2B events are also part of the event industry.
For many entrepreneurs, the consequence of the disproportionately cautious extension of the aid will mean that they will have to give up their independence in the event industry. Thus, the number of company tasks in the sole proprietorship sector will continue to rise from over 600,000 in the entire GroKo period (see IAB Short Reports 2014-2021).
An extension of the aid until the end of the year would have been a clear signal to persevere in the sectors most affected by the pandemic.
Matching video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QXJOSvUkX1E
#isdv #We TogetherNow #uebridging Aid #Federal Government