isdv on site: online conference at the invitation of Mr. Johannes Vogel

isdv on site:
On May 29th, 2020, an online conference took place at the invitation of Mr. Johannes Vogel, MdB, spokesman for labor market policy for the FDP parliamentary group. 18 self-employed associations were invited. In addition to the ISDV, there are also many from the federal working group of self-employed associations.
Mr. Vogel took almost two hours to hear from the representatives of the various sectors how their members are doing, what is missing, and what prospects each sector sees. The general tone can be described with the following key phrases: help is not received, promises are not kept, the self-employed feel left alone, being tamed by basic security/ALG-II.
Mr. Vogel was already familiar with most of the illustrations, as he deals intensively with the role of the self-employed in the world of work. Not just since the Corona crisis. He also supports the BAGSV petition and talks to the Greens and the Left about common positions against the decisions of the federal government.
He then sent the motion of the FDP parliamentary group "Fairness for the self-employed", the resolution of the FDP parliamentary group "Extend Corona emergency aid, ensure cover for the livelihood of the self-employed and freelancers" and a letter to Hubertus Heil dated May 9th, 2020, which until is unanswered to date.
In the picture you can see the group of participants. Above right a particularly good example of how the self-employed tick: Rene from the Association of Stunt People. During the conference he continued to work on the windmill. Corona alternative job.
Johannes Vogel can be seen in the bottom row, second from left.
We will keep in touch with Mr. Vogel.

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