isdv on site: IHK Frankfurt

Yesterday, Thursday evening, the IHK Frankfurt, in whose chamber district the isdv is located, invited to the annual reception. In addition to many board members of the largest industrial and service companies in the region and in Germany, the Minister for Economic Affairs Tarek Al-Wazir, State Secretary Dr. Nimmermann, the head of the economic department of the city of Frankfurt Ms. Wüst and many board members of the cluster of creative industries in Hesse (CLUK).

Around 1,500 guests in total, who after keynote speeches by IHK President Ulrich Caspar, the Mayor of the City of Frankfurt Dr. Eskandari Grünberg and Professor Dr. Dievernich were invited by the Polytechnic Society Foundation to eat and drink on the trading floor. A great opportunity to make contacts for our cause and to see many politicians from all democratic parties with whom isdv is in contact.

#weTogetherNow #Independently #isdv #ihkffmje

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